The Hub

Should we be optimistic about mail’s future?

June 28, 2013 Ashleigh Wight

With constant year-on-year declines in letter volumes being reported by mail carriers, it is unsurprising that operators are continually looking for ways to take advantage of the e-commerce boom to offset the slow decline of letter volumes. However, postal operators seemed confident that there is a future for letter delivery at the Mail & Express […]

The Hub

Time to build some roads!

June 28, 2013 Peter Steele

Any students of American history will be familiar with the Works Progress Administration (WPA), the lynchpin of President Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal to bring the US out of the Great Depression of the 1930’s.

fuel station
Industry News

Demand for transport fuels decreases

June 28, 2013 Robin Meczes

Total consumption of transport fuels in the UK decreased by 4.5% in Q1 2013 compared with the same period in 2012,  new figures from the Department for Energy and Climate Change (DECC) have shown.