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Industry News

Attracting and retaining talent remains key concern for logistics bosses

February 23, 2012 Motor Transport

Almost three-quarters (72%) of transport and logistics bosses plan to overhaul how they manage the talent within their companies in response to the skills crisis. Sector analysis of PricewaterhouseCooper’s (PwC) 15th Annual Global CEO Survey reveals that attracting and keeping hold of talent is a significant concern for most bosses within road transport. Approaching half […]

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Industry News

ATF fees reform “not enough”

February 23, 2012 Motor Transport

Stan Robinson says VOSA’s new MoT test fee structure, which will make it financially more attractive for hauliers to use private test facilities, has “not gone far enough”. The organisation confirmed that from 1 April, HGV annual test fees at authorised testing facilities (ATFs) and designated premises (DPs) will go down, while those at its […]