
Danes have appetite for night-time deliveries

October 24, 2011 Laura Hailstone

The state of the global economy and its subsequent effect on public spending, together with the environmental imperative that has made carbon reduction a top priority certainly hasn’t hindered the progress of night-time deliveries in Europe. There is an increasing appetite on the Continent for this simple win-win solution, which improves efficiency, environmental performance and […]

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Air quality

Night-time proves the right time to deliver

August 13, 2011 Laura Hailstone

A throw-away comment from a truck driver about night-time deliveries last week summed up perfectly one of the reasons why delivering out-of-hours makes a lot of sense. “Night-time deliveries are f***ing great; there’s no idiots getting in your way on the streets,” this driver called to his mate as I walked past him incognito. I […]

Air quality

Silent night

July 11, 2011 Laura Hailstone

If a retailer wants to consider handling deliveries outside the traditional peak delivery window, there are numerous hoops to jump through and, until now, the potential benefits have not seemed worthwhile. But the results of the DfT-funded Quiet Delivery Demonstration Scheme (QDDS) trials have shown there are a significant number of benefits available – both […]

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Air quality

Improving delivery times on the quiet

July 4, 2011 Laura Hailstone

Reduced fuel consumption, reduced round trip times, improved shift productivity, reduced store turnaround times, increased product availability, less congestion, better air quality, reduced carbon emissions – all are proven benefits that out-of-hours deliveries can provide. Yet many local authorities are reluctant to give the green light to out-of-hours deliveries for fear of upsetting local residents […]

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Driver training

Night-time deliveries can save fuel and CO2

July 4, 2011 Laura Hailstone

Operators can reduce their fuel bills and lower their carbon emissions if they are allowed to make out-of-hours deliveries. The results of the Quiet Deliveries Demonstration Scheme (QDDS) trials, unveiled last week, show a raft of operational benefits as well as wider gains for local communities. Developed jointly by the FTA, the Noise Abatement Society, […]

Quiet deliveries

Love thy neighbour

March 28, 2011

As noise complaints about operators increase, Roger Brown looks at ways to keep local residents happy Road transport can be a noisy business, and operators could be vulnerable to noise complaints from nearby residents and businesses. However, experts tell MT that many noise disturbance problems with neighbours can be tackled if firms adopt a two- […]