
What is blockchain anyway?

March 1, 2018 Steve Hobson

So what is this blockchain and do I need to worry about it? According to the Transport Systems Catapult (TSC), the not-for-profit innovation hub in Milton Keynes, blockchain “is the distributed ledger technology (DLT) behind Bitcoin [with] the potential to revolutionise many areas of the digital world, including the intelligent mobility (IM) sphere. As a […]


Economic outlook cautiously optimistic for road transport in 2018

February 14, 2018 Motor Transport

While 2018 is unlikely to be all plane sailing for road transport, things are looking up says Cato Syverson, CEO of Creditsafe. Figures from our most recent Creditsafe Watchdog Report show that the UK economic picture is starting to look a little less sluggish. Across 12 business sectors that we track on a quarterly basis, […]