Air quality

Freight consolidation centres an important specialism for DHL

May 11, 2015 Hayley Pink

A top DHL executive has said freight consolidation centres remain an “extremely important” sector for the business to maintain a specialism in, as he believes they will become more commonplace in the future logistics market. Vice-president of public sector, Roger Burns, says although there isn’t a vast amount of consolidation activity in the present climate, […]

Air quality

Smart City Logistics tool aims to help local authorities improve urban freight deliveries

March 30, 2015 Hayley Pink

An online tool has been developed to help local authorities explore sustainable urban freight scenarios for their city centres. Smart City Logistics uses geographic information system technology to create an open source platform mapping a range of data including access restrictions, loading and unloading facilities, population, land use and carbon emissions. It was developed as […]

Air quality

Video highlights last-mile delivery pilots across European cities

February 26, 2015 Hayley Pink

An EU-funded project exploring sustainable last-mile deliveries has launched a video to highlight a series of pilots taking place across cities in north-west Europe, including London. The LaMiLo scheme, comprising private logistics firms, local authorities and researchers, is aiming to demonstrate the economic, environmental and social benefits of consolidating deliveries and using more eco-friendly transport […]

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Successful start to Quiet Cities 2014

November 26, 2014 Peter Steele

Over 200 delegates at the first day of Quiet Cities 2014 were told that the nature of urban freight must change in order to meet the multiple challenges of the 21st century. In the first day of the two day global summit, delegates heard speeches from Lord Digby Jones and Sir Peter Hendy, while Stacey […]

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Air quality

Consolidation centres: urban myth?

April 24, 2008 Chris Tindall

Since the turn of the century, the increasing use of the phrase ‘urban consolidation centre’ (UCC) among local authorities has also reflected a significant growth in plans to build these logistics facilities.

But despite the theoretical benefits that these ambitious initiatives are capable of, there is still a startling lack of evidence to prove their efficacy one way or another…. […]