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Alternative fuels

Retiming deliveries is key to keeping pace with London’s growth

April 29, 2015 Hayley Pink

Retiming deliveries outside of peak hours to cope with a “rapidly changing London” was tackled at a TfL conference this morning held in the capital. Operators, businesses and local authorities were brought together to discuss the practicalities of shifting deliveries outside of the peak hours of 0700-13.00 to cope with London’s burgeoning construction boom and […]

Industry News

Daf sponsors Think Logistics scheme

April 28, 2015 Emma Shone

Daf has pledged three years of sponsorship to the Think Logistics scheme, joining Abbey Logistics and the RHA, in its drive to bring in a new generation of the logistics workforce.

Operator News

Nagel Langdons pleased with performance

April 28, 2015 Peter Steele

Temperature controlled supply chain specialist Nagel Langdons saw its turnover increase by 11% year-on-year, but its margins contract slightly as it sought to maintain service levels for customers.