Routing, scheduling & retiming

West Midlands long-term transport strategy released for public feedback

August 3, 2015 Hayley Pink

A long-term strategic transport plan to help the West Midlands unlock its economic potential has been put out to public consultation. Movement for Growth has been developed by the West Midlands Integrated Transport Authority (ITA) and sets out the region’s proposed transport strategy for the next 20 years. It includes strategic road and rail improvements, […]

Air quality

Freight must receive fair share of low-emission vehicle funding, says FTA

August 3, 2015 Hayley Pink

The Freight Transport Association (FTA) is calling for a ‘green truck fund’ to help operators adopt cleaner technology following the latest progress report from the government’s Low Carbon Truck Trial. The association said the fund would support operators in adopting alternative fuels and low-carbon technologies, as high upfront vehicle purchase or conversion costs, in addition […]

Scotland plans to reduce drink drive limit in 2013
Air quality

Government’s low-carbon truck trial second progress report published

August 3, 2015 Hayley Pink

The government has published the second progress report of its low-carbon truck trial, which has examined the data provided by 13 separate industry-led projects operating more than 300 alternative-fuelled HGVs. Launched in 2012, the UK trial aims to enable commercial fleet operators to learn about alternative fuels, for manufacturers to learn new ways to develop […]